Since we were at the dr's office I took the opportunity to have him weighed and measure his length. He's grown leaps and bounds in his length -- in just one month he's grown over 2 inches and is now 24 3/4 inches long! His weight however, did not increase much at all. :( He gained a measly 3.5 oz over the past month, weighing in at 11 lbs, 9oz.
Dr. Safir is concerned about the small weight gain.... he said it's possible the scale was off last time we weighed him (I guess they had some problems with one of the scales) so we're going back in 2 wks for another weigh in to see. *sigh* I really hope we just had a mistake on the last weigh in and that all is good, since I'm not sure what else we can do! I'm still breastfeeding and then offering formula after, which he'll take if he's hungry and needs it (Dr. Safir says if he needs more he should be taking it...). As I write this, Logan just downed 5 oz of formula after nursing which is quite a bit, so who the heck knows.

Logan is so darn cute!!
Im sure he will gain weight, he is just trying to watch his figure.
Good news on the eczema! I'm sure the weight issue will resolve itself in due time.
He is so adorable! I can't wait to cuddle him!
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