Wednesday night, after my friend Jenn picked up the dogs, I loaded up the car and took off with Logan to Kim's house. Since our car was going to pick us up at 4:30am Thurs morning, we decided it'd be best if we spent the night at Kim's house. I didn't get much sleep though - I think I was nervous about the trip, and Logan was too fidgety sleeping next to me on the futon. I finally wrapped him up and put him in Molly's crib (she was sleeping in Kim's room) around 1am so that I could get a couple hours of sleep. We woke about 3:30am to get the kiddos ready and load up the towne car (we just BARELY fit all of our stuff and I was a bit cramped in the backseat with two babies/carseats and a stroller!) and took off for SFO about 4:30am. Our flight didn't leave until 7am but we wanted some extra time for the security checks since we had the babies with us.
Our check in and security checks were a breeze. The line to check in was pretty long but we got thru just fine (as it happened, our flight was delayed anyway) and once the security gal saw us both with a shit ton of stuff and babies, she let us pass the enormous security line to get up to the front. Score 1 for traveling with babies! ;-)
Molly now fits in a convertible car seat so Kim got some wheels to snap on the seat and she checked everything else. Logan still rides in his infant car seat so we had a bit more crap to carry (his car seat, the base for the car, the stroller, bags for the stroller and car seat so they wouldn't get ruined in gate check, and other randoms like a diaper bag and boppy.) Let's just say I felt like I was a traveling Sherpa about to embark on a huge expedition!
Our flight was uneventful - which was great! We were able to get seats in the same row so we were near each other. Kim had two seats, one for her and one for Molly/her car seat which was handy. Logan got stuck with me on my lap the entire time. :) Both babies did wonderfully without a peep throughout the entire flight! Molly slept for about the first half of the flight while Logan slept for the last half, but otherwise kept themselves fairly entertained. Kim and I were very proud mamas afterwards.... A pic of Logan sleeping on my lap:
Jon's only been away from us for a few days but he immediately noticed a difference in Logan - much more aware and mostly a lot more skilled at his hand-eye coordination, since he now regularly grabs for and plays with his little car seat toy. I see him every day and sort of forget about these small developments from time to time but I guess he IS changing pretty rapidly even day to day! :)
We were pretty exhausted when we landed, but it was Nathan's birthday yesterday (the big 3-0! Happy Birthday N!), so we all went to our rooms, showered and fed the kiddos and relaxed a bit, before walking down to Lincoln Mall for a yummy dinner and delicious gelato. I ALMOST felt like I was back in Italy, strolling the kids with all of the other night owls in South Beach. :)
Logan had a rough time sleeping last night but is now finally falling back to sleep as I end this post. Which is my cue to join him and catch a few more zzz's myself before we start the day.
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