This morning Logan actually fell asleep shortly after I started nursing him. I figured he must've woken up too early and still needed some rest. So, I laid him back down in his crib and was about to go back to bed myself when I thought, dang, he looks so damn cute (with his two little arms/hands up in the "stick 'em up" pose) that I thought I'd take a few shots with my brand new camera. So, I got the camera out but of course, this big ol' honkin' lens and autofocus started making tons of noise and Logan's eyes peeked open to see what all the commotion was about! Damn it. Last time I do THAT again. ;-) Anyhoo, we ended up doing a photo shoot in the crib anyway, but instead with little Loganito practicing his standing all by himself holding onto the crib railing! :)

This afternoon I decided to move onto a new solid food, yummy sweet potatoes! You thought the rice cereal was a mess, check out the damage from this sweet orange goo!! ;-) We had a good time and he seemed pretty interested in the whole process - eating about half the jar (well, half the jar is now gone, I can't say it all made it to his stomach) before losing interest and wanting to play with his spoon and bib instead. He also polished off about 8oz or so of milk. So, he seemed pretty hungry. We'll see if he sleeps any better tonight because of it. Else, he's just going thru another growth spurt.

The last couple of days, Jon's brother Aaron has been visiting and we've had a really nice time. It hasn't been the action packed weekend that this bachelor is probably used to - instead it's been chaotic dinner outings with friends and LOTS of babies ;-) but I think he and Jon have enjoyed catching up and of course Uncle Aaron loves his new nephew. As you can see from the pic, our silly boy has discovered his tongue more and more these days.....

And finally, because I haven't posted many pics up lately, here's one I really like of Logan with my dad, that Jon took earlier in the week. Click on any of these images for a whole slew of more photos with the new toy....
Happy 5 months today Mr. Logan!
Some priceless shots. Gotta love the digital camera!
Happy 5 month birthday Logan!! All the photos are super cute!!
OMG I srsly just completely LOL'd.
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