Whooowheee. It's been awhile since I've blogged with any real substance. Where do I begin?
I suppose I should start by saying HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! Today was Jon's first Father's Day. Logan and I surprised him with this kick ass card (below) from
Alternate Greetings (isn't it perfect?) as well as his very own fun toy to play with (
a Wireless Digital Picture Frame) which he can use to brag to all his friends visiting, on what a damn cute kid he has. ;-)

This past week was
hell without Jon around. :( My back got worse Tuesday night when, with a stroke of genius, I decided to take out the trash and scrape out one of the cat's litter boxes that was CAKED LIKE MUD. Yeah, not such a smooth move with a broken back. So, my therapist TAPED up my back for a day, to try and get me to stop moving around so much -- easier said than done when you're a single working mom who has a baby. I go back for my follow up with the doc on Tuesday -- with all the ups, and mostly downs, I've been having, looks like I'm headed for an MRI and injection. :( At this point, I could care less -- I just want the pain and inflammation to stop. *sigh* anyhoo, we'll see what he says....

And if that weren't enough, our refrigerator then DIED at the end of the week. I noticed this after our bin of ice in the freezer was full of water one morning and the bottom of the freezer was slowly turning into a puddle of lemon and lime
popsicle juice. Grrrreat. And, to make matters worse, when I called our home warranty plan to get a service guy to come out and take a look, they said that refrigerators were an OPTIONAL choice which was not elected for our contract. WHAT??!?!? How can a fridge not be under the basic coverage of a home? MAN. I mean, we were thinking of buying a new fridge anyway, but not
this soon. Luckily, we have a free standing freezer and a mini fridge in the garage, so I was able to salvage about half the freezer items and most of the REAL perishables like the dairy, etc. from the fridge.

As for Mr. Logan - he got to try out some more new foods; apples (which was really just apple sauce) and carrots were the two new foods of the week (in addition to pizza crust which I posted below). He's going through an entire jar just fine these days. But honestly, he seems to enjoy the finger foods (puffs, cheerios, and of course, yogurt melts) much much more. I can't tell if it's because they're tastier (and sweeter), or because he can help contribute to the eating process or if he's able to chew them more than the other jarred foods.... Anyway, it's still quite fun. I've also discovered that the cap to the jar foods is a PERFECT little chew toy -- which is still all our little guy wants to do. CHEW CHEW BITE BITE CHEW CHEW CHEW.

For example. Today for Father's Day I dressed him in a smart little overall outfit. And of course, what's the first thing that he discovers? The cool metal buckles within a close vicinity of his mouth, that he can grab, shove into his mouth and gnaw on all day long. I love the "built in" chew toy -- although, the additional drool and wet outfit that it comes with? Not so much.

I think I mentioned Logan's taken an obsession with his tongue this week. I was able to capture a couple fun pics of him goofing around. His personality seems to be shining through more and more these days with antics like this, which we just love. :)
And finally, the latest new development of the week, just in time for Father's Day, is Logan saying "dadadadadadada" alllllllll morning long. Because I'm running out of places to put him down where I know he won't go anywhere, I mostly just strap him into his swing in the morning after he's been changed and fed, so I can run and wash bottles, get his diaper bag ready to go, feed the dogs, cats, etc. and grab a bite for myself. He seems pretty content most mornings to just swing along and taaaaaaaaalk to anyone that will listen. And, of course, sing "dadadadadadada" non-stop. It's not being said in context of course (Jon wasn't even around this week so that answers THAT question!) but it's still neat to hear him saying it. :) I tried to capture a video or two, but you know how it goes. The minute I whip out the camera with all the pretty lights, he just stops and stares at me and the camera intently. oh well.
1 comment:
Logan is such a happy baby!!
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