I'm finally ready to go and come into the bedroom to grab Logan, running late as usual, and this is what I see....
I don't have much of a blog update tonight, so instead I'll leave you with a couple more pics. Here's one from a set that I took while hanging out with Logan on the living room floor. One of these days I'm going to submit a portfolio to The Gap or something. I'm not biased. Noooooo.... ;-)
And, more new couches arrived today! This time for the "game room" den. I'm absolutely in love with all the stylish stitching....
Oh my he is getting so big! We can't wait to meet Logan.
too cute!!!! i haven't seen this new house, can i request a photo tour??
Wow he..I feel horrid saying this but he's cuter by FAR than my Mason buddy. *hangs head* I bow to your superior genetics!
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