And, he truly does love his new found independence. Exploring the house in ways he never knew he could before.
At first, he started sitting up on his own, which was so great! We felt like that brought on a whole new independence for our little guy and we didn't have to worry that if he tumbled over after setting him down, that we'd have to be there to right him back up.
I know what you're thinking and YES, I set him down on his own without watching him. Quite often. So I can run over and feed the dogs and cats, run to the bathroom, switch over the load of laundry, start dinner, wash the dishes, make a bottle for Logan. You name it, time is precious and any little second I can steal to get a chore done while Logan entertains himself is GOLD in this here house.
Within a week, literally, Logan started crawling. How these guys learn the skills on their own (usually overnight) is just amazing to me. We were, of course, ecstatic. And a little nervous too. With more independence and mobility means we've got to be on our toes much more!! Long ago were the days where I could set Logan down and know that he'd still be in the same spot on the living room rug, playing with his toys and laughing at the dogs.
Now, he crawls out into the foyer to peek around the corner at me in the kitchen and say HI MOM!
Just this weekend, I was running out to the car to load it up with all our gear, getting ready to make a run to the store with Logan, and apparently I left the front door wide open. Lola runs out, as usual, to race in circles around the front lawn. So, naturally, Logan wants to see what all the commotion is about, and crawls from the living room to the front door in a matter of seconds. I'm walking back up the walkway toward our front door and am greeted by my son grunting, balancing in mid-air, trying to figure out how to get his legs to follow his hands, down the step. He made it, without any face plants or help from me. No fear.
His hand-eye coordination is getting better and better every day. He's recently started clapping and smiles when his hands make a noise. Although, I'm not sure he associates HIS clapping to MY clapping, since he hasn't yet learned to mimic me, but seems to be content clapping on his own nonetheless.
You've probably noticed I've stopped announcing the new foods we're trying with him because basically I try ANYTHING that he'll eat. Just this past weekend I got a food grinder so we tried out some of my spaghetti for his dinner too - he seemed to like it (duh Mom. They're carbs!) :) He's eating a lot more food now - usually two solids a day (one veggie, one fruit) and a TON of cheerios, puffs, crackers, you name it. These are all in addition to his bottle, which he loves and has taken on a horrible habit of throwing a FIT anytime he sees it and realizes he's hungry.
He sorta does a half ass attempt at reaching his arms out at me. I'm really trying to get him to learn that one since it's a lot easier on my back if he helps me. But, we're not 100% there yet. He does get EXTREMELY excited when he wants up or down and bounces like a madman tho. Very entertaining.
Luckily his "separation anxiety" the other day seems to have been a one time fluke. However, he will still throw a fit if he's not quite in the mood to play, and you put him down to play. Or not quite in the mood to eat, and you put him in the booster seat to eat. Or, not quite in the mood to sleep, and you lay him down to nap. You get the picture.
I keep reminding myself patience is a virtue.
I'm sure I will be chanting that for the rest of my life.
He loves playing with his teeth and sticks his tongue down to scrape across the tops of them. He continues to growl, he's just a lot louder now. Ahh, if only we could have the first days back where his little cry was so little. Now he has some lungs and he's not afraid to use them. In fact, he believes I must be deaf, so the louder the better. Yelling, laughing, squealing, crying, banging, clapping, pounding.
Oh, and he's discovered his penis.
Happy 8 months birthday Logan!
uh oh, watch out ladies - he's found his penis!
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