We plugged in a few of those child proof plugs around the house - but I didn't have enough (need to buy more) - so for a few of the outlets where we have night lights, I just plugged them into the bottom plug, since the top plug was covered by the night light. Thinking that was good enough for now.
What a newb.
It took Logan about 1.2 seconds to pull the night light out this morning.

Luckily, he's more interested in the night light than the outlet. :)
Baby R actually only messes with the outlets when I have left one of the child-plugs out laying on the carpet. Then he takes it over to the outlet and puts it where it goes.
It's like he's helping me childproof for another baby.
I love it!
Actually, Logan's been doing something similar - trying to put the night light BACK into the socket after he pulls it out. He's not coordinated enough yet to figure that one out tho. ;-)
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