Saturday, September 13, 2008

Kai Graduated.... Cool.

Tonight we went up to the city for an exquisite dinner at the Millennium Restaurant to celebrate my brother Kai's enormous accomplishment -- graduating from USC's Chemical Engineering Graduate Program. Congratulations Uncle Kai!

I have no idea what Chemical Engineering is, being WAY over my Linguistics head, so don't ask. But it sounds super cool, doesn't it? ;-)

My parents hosted the dinner for all of our close family. Even though my side of the family is much smaller than Jon's, it was still a large gathering! We had several of the smaller cousins running around (thank goodness for the private room), which Logan was VERY interested in. He's taken a much keener interest these days in "bigger" kids who are able to run and jump and kick balls and play, and really seems to want to join them!

And, it was a chance to get some pics of Logan with his slightly older cousin Sophia who just turned one about a month ago. Aren't the two babies just super cute?!?

Even though we stayed out late, Logan did not let us down, behaving beautifully and only getting cranky once or twice before we finally headed home.

We are so very proud of Uncle Kai and all that he has done - and know that this is just the beginning for him!! We are all very excited to see what road he will take next to travel on.

(As always, click on any of the pics to take you to more within the album....)

1 comment:

Kim said...

Congratulations Kai! HUGE accomplishment and you should be very proud!

I also have no idea what a Chemical Engineer does... perhaps I should ask my dad who was a Metallurgical Engineer.