Saturday, October 11, 2008

Almost walking....

I've been wanting to get a little "walker" toy to help Logan learn to walk around the house since he's so very close. A co-worker of mine suggested this one, as it's been a huge success with his own son. Turns out, Jenn and Jarrod have the same one that Robert never really used (he went straight to walking on his own!) - so they gave it to us today to check out and first chance he got, Logan already started walking on his own quite a bit! I think it's going to be a huge hit in our household.

Thanks Jenn and Jarrod! :)


Jennifer said...

That is awesome! Go Logan!

Kim said...

He's on the move! I wonder if Odin and Lola are as thrilled with this development as Snickers and Sadie were when Molly started using her walker.