Honestly, I had really just wanted to take Logan to a pumpkin patch so we could get some cool photos and let him crawl around a bit, since that's what my fond childhood memories are of our trips to Half Moon Bay when I was a kid. Yet, the festival didn't have a pumpkin patch in sight.
And, I've decided, this will definitely be a spot we come back to when Logan's older - what a fun haven for little kids! There was a petting zoo, all sorts of fun areas for kids to climb on or run around in, a hay ride (complete with tractor), a hay maze (we didn't go in but I'm sure it will be cool once he's older and able to walk), and more.
Project Pumpkin Photos was a success. :)
Editor's Note: Unfortunately my iMac is in the shop at the moment, which means I can't get to any of my photos :( Luckily, I had grabbed these few last night when putting together this post. I'll upload the rest that we took to an album later next week when I've got my iMac back home....(this also means I won't be able to post any pics of NZ up for now either! ugh!!)
I would guess the family trips to Half Moon Bay started around 1967, before any of the triumvirate were a twinkle in the eyes of their parents. Indeed, this was before Hwy 280 was built! Lots of good vibes hang around there... a prime spot for photos, before and after pumpkin time - Eucalyptus buttons to make cat collars (they ward off fleas) - Cuca, our parrot, constant companion, audacious and a crack-up - french fries at... was it Sam's? - fixing something gone awry under the hood with a Swiss Army Knife - picnics nestled in the sand - a picture of baby Bree, looking much like her own son among the pumpkins, 30 years later ... another picture when she was still a little girl, but now the head of the tribe ... and a friend remarks: "This kid clearly knows what's up." - Zane jumping the river stream and far down the beach, roaming as usual ... or goofing off for the camera - Kai, brand new baby, this was his FIRST official outing ... later running with Zane, like, as his grandfather would exclaim, "like a deer!" We have been going to Half Moon Bay forever. And Bree and Jon continue the tradition.
Hey - above was from Mom/Zafu aka MamaSuSu. No prob. It works for both of us. -- Zafu
Hey - above was from Mom/Zafu aka MamaSuSu. No prob. It works for both of us. -- Zafu
Delete duplication above. I'll get the hang of this yet! -- Zafu
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