In addition to walking - he's also learned this neat little trick of crawling backwards (which is HILARIOUS if you've never seen it before). He generally does this when he sees you coming for him and wants to get away. :)
The crate is no longer next to the hearth.
Logan's always been one for feeding himself, even since the early days. He gets very frustrated when I spoon feed him, since he can't do it himself. Lately, his teacher Kim has started letting him eat with his spoon at preschool. She usually does this toward the end of his meals after she's fed him the majority of his lunch, since it becomes quite a mess the minute he takes over the driving. He definitely understands the concept, though he's still struggling with the coordination. :)
Along with the self feeding comes the straw. He's a master at the sippy cup, but is still always more interested in Jon's or my glasses at the dinner table. So, while at Marine World, Jon gave him a few sips of his soda, through the GIGANTIC boba-sized straw. It was like turning on a hose to the poor guy. :)
His dexterity is getting better at other things. He's very familiar with opening the safety gate to the laundry room now. Jon jumped out of his chair the other morning, running to "catch" him (he thought Logan was going to fall once the gate swung open). I had forgotten to tell him that Logan's been doing that for awhile now. ;-) Luckily, Logan's only interested in getting into the laundry room when I am in there. Otherwise he has no interest. Still, we're going to have to start using the actual lock on the gate soon I think.
And finally, another small achievement the other day that really made my heart swell. After dinner I made the sign for "all done" since I recently learned that Kim uses baby sign language with him (and her other kids) throughout the day. This isn't a requirement at the preschool, in fact she's the only teacher I know that does it in Logan's classroom (you'll remember I thought I'd take up signing with Logan myself but never really got into it like I had hoped). So, I can't tell you how much I love having her as Logan's teacher! :)
Anyway, when it seemed like Logan was finally done with his meal (adamantly throwing food down on the floor is usually a sign, right?), I made the sign for "all done?" and what do you know.
He signed "all done" back. :)
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