Our install date was pushed up a few days early - woot!! We now have one of the fancy schmancy
AT&T U-verse packages, complete with VoIP phone lines and ultra wicked fast Internet access. Who's your Daddy now, huh?!?

So of course, what's the first thing I do? Hop on my mac and start uploading all the pics I've taken over the last couple of weeks. Yeehaw!
It seems like ages since the holidays
(when we found out Lola had lymphoma) or our
visit to Marine World.... But I'm finally catching up. Here are a few teasers that are my faves.
Click on any of the pics to get to the album for more.
Oh, and in baby news, Logan slept another record 13.5 hrs last night!
He woke up a couple times in the middle of the night but still!

We actually got to sleep in this morning (well, until 8am when the AT&T guy arrived but I'll take it!). I'm currently fighting another
fucking when will it end annoying head cold, so any extra sleep is super key.
The last pic actually has a bit of a story to it, so I'll tell it before ending this post.

Logan has found a whole new world has opened up to him now that he's walking. He's able to get into a lot more things and explore the house in ways he never knew possible before.
During one of his explorations, he found our small kitchen stool (left out by Daddy most likely) and immediately started to climb up on top of it. It was interesting watching him figure out how small the surface of the top of the stool was and how he'd need to balance more carefully once he had all limbs on the top (since from there, he was trying to stand up).

So, what does he do next? He PUSHES THE STOOL over to the oven. You know, that thing with the handle bar that's at perfect height for a toddler to grab onto and pull himself up. And proceeds to pull himself up onto the stool, standing there on his tippy toes, trying to grab anything from the counter and stovetop that he could lay his little grubby hands onto. He tested out his new "perch" several times, up and down, up and down, as if to say Yesssssssss. Yes this will work verrrrrrrrry well.
I watched on with that sort of OH SHIT WE'RE SO SCREWED feeling at the pit of my stomach (which didn't stop me from taking a few pics of course).
He looked at me as if to say - yep, you are so screwed Mom. Because he actually grinned. To him, this new discovery was AWESOME.
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