Of course I had to buy it.
We got home and a huge box was waiting for us at the door. I think I was more excited than Logan at first - not even waiting to open the door and unload all our junk onto the dining table - but instead DROPPING it all so I could immediately rip open the box. Right there on the porch.
My excitement must have rubbed off onto Logan because he started jumping and hopping and grunting and yelling and pointing with excitement alongside me. It was awesome. :)
He doesn't yet understand he has to put one foot on the scooter while the other pushes - but I know he's going to get there in no time. He did know, however, to immediately stand up on it and rock his body, impatiently moving the handles from left to right as if to say LET'S GO MOM! LET'S GO NOW!!

And so, off we went around the neighborhood until dark - he standing on his little scooter with both feet while I pushed him around from behind.
Hearts pounding, smiles beaming... We both had the same thought as we gave each other that goofy giddy look.
Oh, this is what skateboards and roller skates were like for us when we were kids. How awesome! Logan rules and so does his mom!
That is AWESOME! I am getting one for Robert!!!:)
Sweet ride!
Logan - Pressure's on kid. Time to master this thing before your mom starts entering you in competitions.
hell yeah! we gotta get his balance perfected so that when winter comes back around, he's ready to board. ;-)
Those shoes just kill me. All he needs is a very tiny Ride Timeless and he's set for next winter!
You know he's going to destroy the two of you, right? His center of gravity is like...4 ft BELOW ground.
@Kimmy - that's why we're looking forward to it soooo much!! how crazy will it be seeing Logan rocket down the mountain at only 2 ft high and with no fear? :) we can't wait.
*laugh* Now see, that I can't wait to see.
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