I came in the room to put on his sweater, sunblock and load him in the car, and here's what I found.
Poor little guy passed out with all the lights on and TV blaring. I understand, I'd do the same thing if I didn't have to get my ass to work and participate in a Bake for Hope bake sale today! :-P
Update: If the above weren't cute enough....
I decided to let Logan nap for a few and was working in the office when I hear some shuffling and movement on our bed. I thought perhaps Logan woke up, but DANG it's awfully quiet still. I creep into the bedroom to see how he's doing and find Lola has snuck up on the bed herself, snuggled right next to him. :)
Say it with me folks... "Awwww!"
He is the cutest ever..!
so cute!
Awww so cute!
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