We had another busy busy weekend. But, before I blog about that, I remembered a few pics I recently took with my iPhone that I had forgotten to post about. Specifically, a couple of Logan's cousin Luke (and Renee and Logan) while out to dinner on Father's Day. What cutie pies!

And then a few more from last Tuesday night's pizza outing with Robert (and Jenn) after a fun swim class. It hadn't dawned on Jenn nor I what fun a few old-school arcades would be, but we should have known. Lights! Buttons! Balls! Cars! Duh.

Saturday morning Logan and I both got much needed haircuts. We then spent the rest of the day relaxing - well, sort of. I got some chores done while Logan napped, and Jon went up to the city to get some work done. That's our definition of "relaxing" these days.
That afternoon, I dropped Logan off with my parents and then took the train up to the city to meet with Jon and several friends. Eric (one of Jon's best friends) is in town visiting so it was a good excuse for everyone to get together.
While we were out catching up with friends, Logan spent time exploring my parents' neighborhood. They went to my old elementary school (the school has since shut down but the playgrounds are still there) to play. The twisty adventurous slide was the best, I hear. After that, they took a walk to a nearby business complex which has some nice landscaped grounds full of fun things, like plants, bugs and creeks, to explore. Logan happened upon a flock of ducks that were VERY exciting. All in all, a really nice night out (and all the exploring tuckered our little guy out!)
This morning we picked him up and went over to the Jodoins' house to visit. We had grand plans of hopping in the pool, but no one had the energy to get farther than the living room couches. ;-) It's probably just as well, it hit about 100 degrees around noon time and the boys were already pretty tired. They played with cars and balls galore and I had the pleasure of reading Robert his Potty Time with Elmo book because he insisted "Auntie Bree" read it rather than his Mommy. Sorry Jenn! ;-) I figure it's good practice for when Logan starts potty training.
We quickly left as Logan started to have a meltdown. Thankfully, he fell asleep in the car ride home. I took the long way home to give him a few more minutes of snoozing time - but when transferring him from the car to the crib, he woke up. Usually, he'll snuggle up to his blankets and fall right back to sleep. Not this time. :( It turned into a battle of wills. He screamed and hollered and cried. I finally went in with a bottle and we rocked and he downed his bottle and rested his head on my chest. He was very sleepy, but didn't want to fall asleep. I finally put him back in his crib to lay down and he spent the next 30 minutes or so just playing in his crib, never falling asleep. *sigh* When Jon got home (he had been out running errands), he tried the same (rocking, holding, calming Logan down). Logan pointed to his crib saying "night night", Jon laid him down, and he proceeded to roll around playing in his crib again.
He finally won - never actually taking a nap (argh!) - so we packed everyone up to head to his friend Max's first birthday party. We had a great time visiting with friends (many old eBay coworkers of Jon's) but after a couple of hours we had to split since Logan was starting another one of his infamous meltdowns. By the time we got home, he had calmed down enough to eat a little bit of dinner before bedtime. The poor guy had a pretty crazy busy (and hot!) weekend, so I didn't blame him for demanding his crib the minute we were done changing him into his pj's for the night.
I'm catching up on my reading and I'm going in reverse order so I saw the chairs in your 4th of July post and they immediately caught my eye and now I see that they're a new purchase -- I love them! Addiididdirrrriiondak chairs are my favorites.
Thanks! we love them too and already have used them plenty to make the purchase worthwhile. :)
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