After the birthday party, we caught a late night showing of Angels and Demons. I liked it okay (although it was a little fast paced and some of the plot lines were hard to follow), but Jon wasn't impressed. He's been reading the book and I guess a lot of the character development and key story lines were left out. Oh well, we still had a nice time out. :)
This morning, I picked up some crazy donuts at the new local Psycho Donuts shop. I got several so we could sample them all. Left to Right: Butterfinger, Peanut Nutter Butter, Cookie Monster (with Oreo cookies), plain Glazed, "Apricotology" (Apricot Critter) and Massive Head Trauma (Raspberry Jelly Filled). They were sooooo super sweet that we had tummy aches after a few bites. It was fun to try but we agreed we'll be sticking to our regular ol' Stan's or Manley's donut shops from now on. ;-)
We spent the day running errands before Jon's brother Curtis, Renee and Luke, stopped by for a visit (on their way through town to Monterey). Logan was still down for a nap during the first part of their visit, but the two boys got to goof around and play together some before dinner. This was the best pic of the two boys together that I could snag all night! *sigh*

For Father's Day this year I made not one, but TWO! (ah-ah-ah...), craft projects for Jon. For a person who never does art and crafty things, this is a big deal.
First, I started with the photo cube - I had a couple of small snafus in getting the pictures to adhere nicely to the block, but otherwise I think it turned out rather well. Jon can flip the cube around based on how he's feeling for the day, and show off his cute kid to the guys at work. :)
Then, because I was feeling ambitious, and because my coworker Amanda got this idea into my stinkin' head (thanks Amanda!) I decided to make those cheezy matching Dad/Son t-shirts.
Yes, I really did. With cheezy taglines too (Logan's says "My Big Hero" and Jon's says "My Little Hero").

But, aren't they adorable?!?! :)

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