After the elephants, we stopped by to see Odin's Temple of the Tiger show. Logan and Robert weren't as thrilled with this show - partly because we were farther away (and the tigers were behind cages) and partly, I think, because it was lunch time and they were getting hungry. The best part, for me anyway, was seeing the tigers dive underwater to grab their food. Cool!

After the tiger show we grabbed some lunch before heading to the Celebrate Shouka show. Even though the auditorium was enormous and we were sitting about midway up, I think Logan actually liked this show the best. Anything water related really catches his eye, and watching the big killer whale (and dolphin) splashing and jumping high out of the water was neat for him to see. I have to say, I enjoyed it too! :)
After Shouka's show, we started making our way out of the park; walking through a shark "tunnel" along the way which was pretty fun for the kids, and then stopping at the Thomas the Train station to watch the train ride by. They were interested, but pretty pooped by then (it was 2:30pm afterall!) and really in need of their naps.

Robert fell asleep on the walk back to the cars - Logan didn't fall asleep until about 30 minutes from home and unfortunately, woke up when we got home and didn't go back to sleep. So we popped in A Bug's Life to mellow out in front of and just relax on the couches (we all had too much sun and were exhausted).
Logan didn't have much of an appetite all day, but he was in a pretty good mood. So good, in fact, that toward the end of the evening as we were getting ready for bed, he was running laps around the house, rolling on the floor and actually SPINNING around in circles until he'd drop to all fours at my feet (this sort of delirium tends to hit him the more tired he gets). It was pretty funny and he was having a grand old time, until, that is, the spinning got to him. And suddenly he puked up a few times all over the floor. Luckily - nothing but the floor and his shorts, which I needed to change him out of anyway, got dirty. I did a quick cleaning of the floor and trotted him off for a bath before bedtime. He seemed to be relieved that it was finally time to hit the hay. ;-)
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