Yesterday we spent the majority of the day at the Jodoins, celebrating Robert's 2nd Birthday! (he turns 2 on Tuesday) The first hour of the party, Logan was passed out in Robert's crib (he fell asleep on the ride home after being picked up from my parents, who had babysat Friday night to give Jon and I a free night out).
We had an excellent time - plenty of food, company, games and toys to go around for all. We even took the kids in the pool for a little bit (unfortunately, Logan didn't have as great a time as usual in the water, I think because the water was too cold for him), which was perfect since it was pretty warm outside.
Two highlights of the day (for me anyway) were when Logan tried eating with a fork and knife, something he's been all about these days. I’m assuming it’s because he sees us doing it and wants to do it himself. But still amazing to watch him try (sometimes successfully!) cut up his food and eat it. Just one more thing to remind us of how much our little guy is growing up!
Logan was also fascinated by Robert's new wooden train set - and it was wonderful to see him work out how to fit the tracks together on his own, and get a kick out of the train cars sticking together (via magnets). Jon and I have been thinking about getting him a train set sometime soon (if we can find the room!), so it was really fun to see him take to it so quickly!

Once cake and presents were done, most of the family and friends took off - and only the die-hards (the Hicksons and ourselves), stayed until the bitter end. ;-) We had about an hour break where the three kids were all napping, so we started a game of Settlers of Catan, but didn't get to finish before the kids woke up. I believe Jon, Nathan and Jarrod all declared themselves winners, but little did they know I had several points hiding in my hand. So, Internets, I think I was actually the real winner in that game. ;-)
We finally headed home after the kids started winding down, over stimulated from the day's events, I'm sure. Still, we had a blast and were so glad we could make Robert's big day. Happy Birthday again, Mr. Robert! :)

Today, Jon spent another handful of hours lying on his belly at the mercy of his tattoo artist while Logan and I did a little shopping and then lunched at The Counter with my parents before heading home to nap and do chores. With the wonderful summer weather, I've been trying to take advantage of our weekends as much as possible. The only downside is I'm totally whipped and need another two days to recuperate before work begins. Funny how that is.
(Click on any of the pics above for more from Robert's birthday!)
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