Abuelita and Abuelito Riedy, and Aunt Sarah, moved from Washington state, down to Burbank (LA) to be closer to the family and grandkids. While on their drive down this weekend, they passed through the Bay Area to visit with us. Abuelito Riedy wasn't able to stay unfortunately, because he needed to get set up in LA and then ready for work in San Diego by Monday. But, we did have a really nice visit with Abuelita and Aunt Sarah.
Saturday morning we went to Logan's friend Maya's 2nd birthday party.

The party was at a nearby Color Me Mine pottery studio and I thought Abuelita and Aunt Sarah would enjoy coming with us to watch Logan get his art on.
He had an okay time painting his ceramic plate. He certainly wasn't impressed with Mommy trying to help out. Oh well. :) Hopefully it comes out! We ate a little pizza and cake before calling it a day (it was way past naptime).
While Logan napped, Jon and I introduced Alicia and Sarah to a game of Settlers. mwahahahaha
Jon won, of course, but we had a really good time. When Logan woke, we decided to try an early dinner at our favorite Ethiopian restaurant, Zeni. Because we went before the crowds gathered, we lucked out, got a table right away and had a really nice meal (it was Alicia and Sarah's first time trying Ethiopian and I think they liked it!).

Logan had a great time visiting with Abuelita and Aunt Sarah but I think his most favorite part of all was "helping" Abuelita walk with her cane.

It was the most precious thing ever and he INSISTED on doing it any time we were out and about. :)

Sunday we had brunch at our favorite local spot, Stacks. Aunt Catherine, Uncle Danny and Nadia all drove down from San Francisco to join us as well. We had a great time chowing down on yummy food. Logan was the center of attention and loved it. After brunch, we said our goodbyes as everyone needed to hit the road to continue the rest of their drive down to LA.
That afternoon we relaxed around the house, did some chores, and checked out a local toy shop to compare various wooden train sets. Jon has been wanting to get Logan a train set since he was born - and seeing how well he took to Robert's train set only solidified that goal. We compared the different brands out there, let Logan play with a few himself, and then went home to find a great deal online. ;-)
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