After dinner we headed back to our place where Logan got to show off his brand new bed to everyone. Tia Catherine immediately jumped in and snuggled with Logan under the covers to read a few bedtime stories. Is he spoiled or what?!?
Saturday we had a full day! Jon woke up early to snag some donuts for everyone, and once Abuelita ("Ita"), Abuelito ("Ito"), and Sarah arrived, we took off to hang out at Vasona Park. Logan rode the train with his grandparents and Aunt, a BIG hit, and also took a twirl on the carousel.

I know it may not look like it, but he actually did enjoy the train quite a bit. Still, check out the stern face, especially in this series of rapid shots! I couldn't stop laughing. :)
We also walked to one of the nearby playgrounds with a big airplane and firetruck to climb up and on and all over, which he enjoyed doing.
Since we were so close, we decided to lunch at a little cafe that Jon likes in Los Gatos. Unfortunately, the wait was a bit long and by the time we got seated, Logan was at his melting point. He was just too damn tired and hungry to enjoy our company - so Jon took him home to put him down for a nap (it was 2pm after all!) while the rest of us polished up a delicious lunch before heading home to rest ourselves.

That night, we met up with my parents at another place we love, the Taiwan Restaurant, for some delicious Chinese food. Logan was MUCH better behaved thank goodness and we all enjoyed some time visiting and catching up. After dinner, Jon and I took Logan over to the hotel that Alicia/Paul/Sarah were staying at since they wanted to have Logan spend the night. We got his bed set up for the night, got him in his pj's and then snuck out while he was distracted and exploring the hotel room. Apparently, he was a BREEZE to handle - reading his books a few times over and then turning in for the night without a fuss. He didn't wake up once through the night and even slept in the next morning, so late that Ita and Ito had to wake him up in time to meet us for breakfast! :)
Jon and I took advantage of the Logan-free night and caught a movie after we left the hotel. The movie, Cop Out, was about as good as you'd expect but it was wonderful to be able to turn off our brains for a couple of hours and have a few hearty good laughs.
Because of the time change however, we didn't get to sleep in! Oh well :) We met up with Ita, Ito, Sarah and Logan at Stacks early Sunday morning for some delicious breakfast to start off the day. Afterward, the three said their goodbyes, hitting the road back to LA about noon-time. Jon, Logan and I spent the rest of the day running errands, re-arranging some furniture in his room and taking care of a few chores before the work week hit us again.
We had a fantastic weekend visiting with Jon's family and so glad they were able to make the drive up from LA to see us! I know Logan really enjoyed all of the attention and love, as always. :)
WHOA, sounds like a vacation! I bet Logan was one happy camper! Next time I visit I might just sleep in his bed with him! btw, Im totally stealing that pic!
Logan's room looks great!
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