Because I'll be at home for the next 6 months and able to crate/potty train a puppy while I'm home, we needed to decide pretty quickly about what we wanted to do. If we didn't take another puppy in now, we'd probably need to wait a few years before adopting another dog into the family (especially while Jon continues to work up in the city).
So while ideally I probably would have preferred to wait awhile longer before bringing another spastic dog into the house, logistically it just makes sense since I'll be home.
The house is also very different with Lola gone - much more quiet and less "hectic" (if that's possible with a 2 year old?!) and it reminds me of her absence. So yeah, there is that.
Odin has also been showing more signs lately of missing his little sister. The one who keeps to himself and is very aloof, has started to sleep in Lola's old bed in our bedroom every night and runs up for love and attention when I sit on the toilet every morning (just like Lola used to do). I think in his own special way, he misses Lola like we do. So yeah, there's that too.
It was too soon for me to agree to taking in a new puppy. However, my PM brain got to thinking and I decided we better at least start looking. I knew it would take some time to hunt down a breeder we liked and trusted, hope they were expecting a litter that meshed with my maternity leave dates and then sign up and reserve a spot to bring a pup home. I figured by the time all that was laid out, it'd also buy me some time to think more on the decision, which was a big one.
I gave Jon the green light - and off he went. A man on a mission. And within a day or two, he had a few different breeders and potential litters that would work for us.
I got nervous.
And then I looked at the puppy pics and my heart melted. DAMN! ;-)
We narrowed it down to two different puppies that were both still available and met the requirements we were looking for. Jon talked to both breeders extensively on the phone and set up a meeting with the first one since they weren't too far away (located in the East Bay, the other breeder was in Sacramento).
Last week we took some time off work to visit the breeder, get to know her, the pup's parents and of course, the puppy himself. He immediately came bounding to the door when she greeted us, and had no problem laying all over me as we talked with the breeder for over an hour. I had been unsure about getting another male dog (with another baby boy on the way, I feel like I'm quickly outnumbered with the testosterone in the house!) but it was clear right away that this pup was a Mama's Boy. And, really enjoyed both playing with his parents, and playing with us. Super laid back, adorable and lovey - just what we were looking for. :)
Jon and I talked the entire ride over and back from the breeder's - and that night sent her a payment to hold him for another week until we could pick him up.
Meet Grover, the newest member of our family.

I had left work early today to go pick him up, but Jon surprised me (and Logan), by going to pick him up instead, so that he was waiting with Grover when we got home. :) He's a beautiful dark red Australian Labradoodle, one of seven pups (an accidental breeding!) born Dec 4, 2009.

He's been pretty shy this evening, not quite sure what to make of his new surroundings. He and Odin seem to like each other fine, he's a bit scared of the cats (particularly Iz, who's about his size), and keeps his distance from the very loud and excited, happy-go-lucky Logan ("C'MEEEEERE GROVER!!!!"). He feels most safe around me or Jon and follows us around the house and lays at our feet. And he LOVES to lay next to me on the couch, immediately snuggling between the pillows as if he's lived here for ages. ;-)
While I continue to miss my Lola, I'm also looking forward to the change in dynamics that this little guy will bring to our family. Welcome to your new home Grover!

Awww... he's red like Snickers!
Adorable! When can we meet him?
So damn cute! We can't wait to meet him! I love the name!
Oh he's adorable! Can't wait to meet him when I get home
OOOOOOOOO its sooo cute!!! Logan has some competition!
He is SO CUTE! Congrats!
(Though all the people around me having babies and getting puppies makes me think that NO WAY NO HOW do I ever need either. The thought of all that responsibility makes me want to sit on my couch and watch trash television all day long. Because I can.)
I am happy we have another grandpuppy!
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