Friday evening, once they arrived and visited for a bit, we took off for dinner at Jon's favorite pizzeria. We hadn't been there in awhile, and hadn't yet taken his family there, so it was nice to go back after so long. Logan did extremely well eating his "BIG" pizza (whole slices - no cutting them into bite sizes any more for this independent kid!), once he sat down next to me and my
When we were done with dinner, we bid our goodbyes, with Logan joining his grandparents and great-grandparents for an overnight stay at their hotel that night. I was worried he'd throw a fit and "need" his Mommy or Daddy but he was great! He immediately waved goodbye to the two of us and didn't look back.
Saturday morning, Logan had a huge breakfast with his grandparents and great-grandparents before they all headed over to Happy Hollow for a couple of hours. Meanwhile, Jon was a saint and took Callum off my hands for THE. ENTIRE. MORNING. so I could sleep in. WOOHOO! He and Callum went to Jon's favorite donut shop for his weekend ritual of donuts and coffee and God knows where else (probably the game store, his other favorite haunt), before coming home to wake me up around noon.
Did you catch that?
NOON! I slept in until noon!

I rushed to nurse Callum, get dressed, and out the door to visit, and support, my friend's Stella and Dot coming out party. Callum slept for the first half of the visit while I got to gab with a couple of my old old OLD friends (Elizabeth and I go back to KINDERGARTEN people!). I also, unintentionally, got sucked into the purdy bling of Stella and Dot myself. Eeeps! So, fast forward to next week, where I'll be hosting my own Stella and Dot party with her at my house. hee hee :)
When I got home, Logan was napping which was perfect since Callum stole the show and center of attention from his grandparents and great-grandparents anyway (particularly the mothers). ;-)

Tia Catherine and Auntie Nadia also drove down from the city to visit with the family (Logan loved even MORE of the extra attention).

That night, we all piled into the cars and headed to our favorite Mexican restaurant, La Milpa, to meet my parents for dinner. As usual, it was delicious and we all stuffed our faces.
Sunday morning, we met everyone for breakfast at Stacks, which I think is becoming a bit of a tradition on the last morning of Alicia and Paul's visits. ;-) We had a wonderful meal, as always, and then bid our farewells to the family, since they needed to get on the road to head back home.
Logan was not happy to see them go, thinking he was going to get to ride in their car again for another fun excursion somewhere. I think it was testament to how much he (and we) enjoyed their visit. Always a delight!
We had a wonderful time and enjoyed having Logan overnight and look forward to doing it again soon. He is a delight to have over at the hotel.
Thank you Callum for being a part of our family and letting us hold you and cuddle you and just love on you. We are very privileged to have you as our grandson.
I was reading this and thinking "OMG they went to Happy Hollow AGAIN???" but then, duh, remembered that you're recapping two-week-old events!
(And I am wearing a Stella & Dot necklace RIGHT THIS VERY MOMENT.)
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